Saturday, May 22, 2010

Getting Excited

That's right! Even I get excited. When I start a bike and I have a box of tubes. I've always been good at being able to see things that aren't there. No, not like I'm hallucinating. I can build something and see in my mind what it will look like when I'm done. This is very handy when you're a fabricator. However, there is no replacement for the real thing.
So in the following pictures you see the real thing starting to take shape.

I spent the day today putting almost all of the bits and pieces on.It was a nice day outside and I kept staring out the window watching the world go by. However when I'm this close to the end of the build it makes me want to work longer to see the finished product.

I just love a classic bicycle. There is nothing quite like it to me.
Gary F stopped in for a few today and took some pics. of his soon to be bicycle. Here is one of them.

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