Well it's Friday. I spent the afternoon working on Gary's frame. The down tube is brazed to the head tube and I removed the cast in threaded bosses. The seat tube is brazed into the bottom bracket and the top tube is mitered.
I need to learn how to use this blog thing better. I want to add some more photos and move them around. I can get multiple photos in but I can't seem to move them. It's a good thing I don't need this knowledge to build a nice bike. I however do need this knowledge to market a nice bike. Looking forward to getting back into the shop tomorrow.
Tonight Margie is off to meet her new team mates for Route 66 race series. She's racing with the Bikers Edge team. I believe she's the only woman. Time will tell.
Talk with you tomorrow!
Is that a penis cut-out in the BB?
ReplyDeleteIt may look like that to the untrained eye. In actualality it is my initials.db that share a vertical line.